Goshen Chess for Scholastic Success


2019-2020 Chess for Scholastic Success (CFSS) Program

We are excited to begin another year of learning, teaching, and enjoying chess in the Goshen schools. The GMS club has already begun meeting. The GHS club will begin meeting after the fall break. Both the GMS and GHS clubs will meet until spring break. The elementary clubs will begin meeting the week of October 21, and all clubs will continue to meet until at least President's Day. Some may meet longer. The cost is $15 per student for middle and high school students and $10 per student for the elemetary schools (scholarships are available), plus an optional $10 for a T-shirt (with a new design this year).

For details, click on the name of the program you are interested in. To enroll, you may follow the directions on the flier, or you may enroll online with a credit card or PayPal.

On days when there is no school - vacation days, snow days, etc. - there will be no club meetings.


If you have any questions about Goshen clubs or local tournaments, or want to help in any capacity, please contact Joe Riegsecker at joepye@pobox.com or 574-533-9218.

Created on September 29, 2012.  Updated on October 6, 2019  Comments to joepye@pobox.com.

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